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ESM RALLY 2023 - 24AT Rabindra Bhawan, Bankura.

Eastern Command organised  ESM Rally 2023 - 24 at Rabindra Bhawan Bankura District (WB) under the aegis of ‘Brahmastra Corps ’ on 27 Nov 2023 for the veterans and war widows hailing from Bankura  and Purulia districts of West Bengal. 
The  ESM RALLY 2023 - 24 was held in close coordination with the State Administration and District Sainik Boards. The focus of the day was to reach out and to connect with Ex-servicemen in order to extend meaningful welfare and provide platform for resolution of various problems faced by veterans. The event was presided by military dignitaries , who felicitated veterans and  Veer Naris.
10 Records Office counters were set up to resolve long outstanding pension anomalies of veterans. 
Military organisations ,ZSB Mednipore , VSK,  ECHS, various State and Civil Welfare Agencies had established information counters and help desks to register and resolve various problems being faced by the veterans. CSD counter, tea, refreshments and lunch was catered for 618 ESMs including families.

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