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Vehicular Move To Imphal Valley Restored.

During the ongoing tensions in Manipur, supplies to the Imphal Valley were cut off due to road blocks and consequent fear amongst transporters. As a consequence, the state of essential supplies in the state was dwindling and beginning to reach critical levels. 
Army & Assam Rifles stepped in to assure protection to vehicles carrying essential goods from/ to Imphal. On 15 May, a convoy of 28 vehicles including trucks, fuel tankers, JCB etc carrying rice, sugar, pulses and fuel moved under escort of CRPF and Manipur Police from Noney to Imphal. Prophylactic domination of the area was provided by Assam Rifles to ensure safe passage to the convoy which reached Imphal safely by afternoon. *In addn, monitoring was also ensured through Unmanned Aerial Vehicles*
Seeing the desire for peace which visibly manifested in incident free move of the vehicles on 15 May, another set of approximately 100 vehicles were moved on 16 & 17 May. Security Forces remain committed to restore normalcy and the commencement of movement of the vehicles on NH 37 is another step towards the normalcy in Manipur.

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