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The 6th Tri Services Armed Forces  Veterans Day was celebrated by Headquarter Eastern Command on 14 Jan 2022. This day is celebrated every year as a mark of respect and recognition of the services and sacrifices rendered by the Veterans. To mark this occasion in a befitting manner, a wreath laying ceremony was organised wherein Lt Gen V Sreehari, SC, SM, Officiating COS and Veterans from all three Services paid their homage to the fallen soldiers in a solemn ceremony at Vijay Smarak, Fort William, Kolkata.
The Services by virtue of being a close knit family, take pride in caring for its Veterans Community. Indian Army recognizes the sacrifices and hard work of its retired personnel and has undertaken a number of initiatives aimed at their welfare. As a mark of respect to their invaluable contribution in the task of nation building and honouring their sacrifices, India Army carries out regular programmes covering various aspects of their needs and requirements thorughout the Country. In Eastern Command this year also special programmes are being conducted which include medical camps, awareness programmes on various initiatives in the field of job placement, skill development, education facilities, pension entitlement and other related issues to help the Veterans.

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