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We are the largest resident Naval power in the Indian Ocean said Indian Navy Chief Admiral R Hari Kumar.


Indian Navy has responded to the manifestation of Israel – Hamas conflict in the maritime domain by re-orienting and significantly enhancing the scope of its ongoing maritime security operations since mid-Dec 23. The navy undertook proactive actions during the hijacking of Malta Flagged Bulk Carrier MV Ruen on 14 Dec 23. During the 100 days exercise, the Indian Navy has responded to 18 incidents and has played a pivotal role as the ‘First Responder’ and ‘Preferred Security Partner’ in the Indian Ocean Region. The significance of IN’s contributions has been further underscored with the culmination of actions against the hijacking of MV Ruen.

Since the last 100 days, the naval ships, aircraft and Special Forces have demonstrated 
an unflinching resolve to ‘secure the seas’ and protect the maritime community from various 
non-traditional threats present in the region. Based on the threat assessment in the region, 
the Indian Navy is conducting maritime security operations in three areas of operations viz 
Gulf of Aden and adjoining areas, Arabian Sea and off the East Coast of Somalia. The arduous 
efforts of IN since Dec 23 involved deployment of over 5000 personnel at sea, over 450 ship 
days (with over 21 ships deployed) and 900 hours of flying by the maritime surveillance aircraft 
to address threats in the maritime domain.

With the emergence of piracy in 2008, the Indian Ocean Region has witnessed steady 
increase in the presence of warships from regional and extra regional navies, operating 
independently or under the ambit of various multi-national constructs. In the present security 
scenario, the Indian Navy has taken the ‘lead’ in responding to security situations arising out 
of a myriad of threats in the region. With over 110 lives saved (including 45 Indian seafarers), 
15 lakh tons of critical comIn the ongoing endeavour since Dec 2023, Information Fusion Centre – Indian Ocean Region (IFC-IOR) of the Indian Navy at Gurugram, has played a transformative role as a principal hub for enabling information exchange in IOR. In addition, coordinated missions with IAF and national agencies during this period has also highlighted the synergy and interoperability of the Services.The calibrated response, ingenuity and unflinching resolve displayed by the Indian Navy during the progress of ongoing maritime security operations under the aegis of ‘Op Sankalp’ has garnered international acclaim by virtue of the effects generated in safeguarding India’s maritime interests, countering maritime threats, thwarting the resurgence of piracy and 
significantly denting narcotics trade in the IOR. The response of IN to various security 
situations has once again proved that ‘Safety of Life at Sea’ remains an overarching principle 
irrespective of the nationality of seafarers.modities escorted (such as fertilisers, crude oil and finished products), nearly 1000 boarding operations undertaken, more than 3000 kgs of narcotics seized and over 450 MVs assured of IN’s presence, the ongoing maritime security operations have truly reflected Indian Navy's capability in playing a vital role as a strong and a responsible Navy in the IOR.

In the ongoing endeavour since Dec 2023, Information Fusion Centre – Indian Ocean 
Region (IFC-IOR) of the Indian Navy at Gurugram, has played a transformative role as a 
principal hub for enabling information exchange in IOR. In addition, coordinated missions with 
IAF and national agencies during this period has also highlighted the synergy and interoperability of the Services.

The calibrated response, ingenuity and unflinching resolve displayed by the Indian Navy 
during the progress of ongoing maritime security operations under the aegis of ‘Op Sankalp’ 
has garnered international acclaim by virtue of the effects generated in safeguarding India’s 
maritime interests, countering maritime threats, thwarting the resurgence of piracy and 
significantly denting narcotics trade in the IOR. The response of IN to various security 
situations has once again proved that ‘Safety of Life at Sea’ remains an overarching principle 
irrespective of the nationality of seafarers.

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